Monday, February 15, 2010

A name ...

For the last couple of months I've been trying to come up with a name a concept for my freelance "company?" A couple of moths ago EThan and I came up with this: But I'm not sure I'm crazy about it anymore.

Naming a creative company is tricky. Mostly because it's important that the name is ... well ... creative. Would love any ideas and feedback you may have on the matter!


These are a couple of my advertisements for Faceplant. Had a lot of fun with the text.

Logo for new sermon series in "Big Church"

I had the opportunity to design the logo for the Spring sermon series for "Big Church" at ARBC. I was so excited and would love to continue doing this. The creative team used this concept to design the staging and lighting for the sermon series as well. It was neat to see my work flow into a stage set! They also turned the logo into a banner - not my first banner but probably the most viewed! :) Thankful for a church who encourages creativity.